Monday, January 27, 2020

The Hotel And Tourism Tourism Law Tourism Essay

The Hotel And Tourism Tourism Law Tourism Essay In problems with the Environmental Issues or Laws, with the cooperation of our tourism they develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment and its different importance and other things. Those are different laws that have rule in Philippine tourism, including or even the different government office is involved too. It will also provide current situation that have in the tourism, travel and making hospitality which may be analyzed, interpreted and doing what can do on laws that have. The Environment laws protect our natural resources by controlling businesses that have the possible cause to them. Due to the matter of these laws, the Environmental Protection was formed whose main duty that must have done is to control and decrease pollution in finding out some materials that could cause harm, to see that companies that may cause environmental injury, they sets right of practice to lessen environmental effect and to carried punishments for those who did not follow environmen tal rules. Therefore, for any industry or in the hotel and tourism, it is helpful to be well known with the matter that given by our environmental laws, and responsible for law that government given, and the kinds of different way and some business through which those environmental laws are need to implement. Tourism or the Hotel Management can have different effects on a given area such as economical, social, environmental etc.The most important  economic  effect that tourism has is that it provides more  employment  for the people in that area and hence in a way increases their  standard  of living. In fact certain economies primarily run on tourism.As a result it also helps the region as a whole to develop and as a result the governing bodies can utilize the funds to promote the  destination  and make it more attractive for tourists. Tourism is now one of the worlds largest industries and one of its fastest that is develop in our country. For many countries tourism is seen as a main used for wide development, as it alert to the new different economic performance or activities that have in the government. Tourism may have a positive economic effect on the balance of payments, on employment, on gross income and production, but it may also have negative effects, particularly on the environment. Unexpected things in developing tourism can result in such a worse of the environment that tourist growth can be demanded. Being the major source of tourist product of the government, therefore it should be protected in order to have something development of tourism and doing good for the country in following years. In additional of business activities worldwide and as a result of more high knowedge , there has been increasing learn to everyone and concern with the injury to human health and environmental damage that cause by the different business activities .These problems is need for business and industry to be controls at all levels, and for the main that could be hardly sustain development to be established in international and national environmental laws to make sure that foreign investment and other business activities lead to development that is sustainable in environment . In this way, the Hotel and Tourism Management play an important role in development . If the government takes the recommended actions for development and promotion it will establish market targets that specify the number and types of tourists that the country will be able to attract. To make sure that national and local tourism development agreements stress a policy of sustainable tourism development. Incentives that given by the government can encourage many corporations involved in the tourism business to do more their activities to have more recently having a large countries. Thinking of environmental problems it will assist the manager in helping such individual responsibility for and liability to environmental damage, in integrating environmental affairs with operations, and in developing policies and professionals to manage environmental issues. Tour operators have a great deal of influence on the destinations, activities and overall experience of tourists. Therefore its hard that they have understand the idea of ecotourism and the conservation requirements of protected areas that have rules to follow. They need to be fully aware that the ecotourism product they are trying to promote is easily broken and must be carefully preserved. The tourism industry is also an important partner since it is a vital source of information about need trends, promotion and marketing. It would bring attention to the present and future environmental issues facing the health of our planet and the people it supports. And our responsibility to protect the health and well-being of that ecosystem start to beginning of a day on the number of aware that surrounds in the world. Philippine laws rule the rights and obligations of which support in the hospitality and tourism industry. It provides for their rights, liabilities and even benefits as order by law. It affects the globalization of the tourism industry, also in opportunity to begun addition or widely into the international market or in target grow internationally. Realize the level of technology and technological capabilities within the host country in order to assess the advantages or disadvantages the hotel may face. Human activities are sources of environmental impacts. Since a sustainable environment must be achieved, individuals should make efforts towards developing and protecting the environment in learning of good methods, techniques, and policies. Human activities are sources of environmental impacts. Since a sustainable environment must be achieved, every person should make efforts towards developing and protecting the environment by learning or doing of good methods, techniques, and policies. Support different developing countries efforts to implement different things that could have in development the practices and protect the global environment. To make sure that the goal is in full support of environmental laws. Overall, consideration of the environment and stick to environmental laws and regulations have become important in the day-to-day behavior of business or in the Hotel and Tourism Management all in the Philippines or throughout the world. Working together by the businesses, workers, environmentalists, and government officials is to find economically into our environment. In helping of our government rules as well our tourism department, we can do better for the everyones life. Inspite of rising the demands of needs of everyone, of everyone come to show full support to the strong campaign for the different environmental laws or regulations, with the biggest role of our tourism in advocating and promote or not violating any rules to anyone who is responsible, we should have all the confident to win this one..    With the skills or knowledge of all in the tourism management and see how that connects and from there start volunteering for programs and tell people about it. But before that first learn how blessed we are and how rich our natural resources are, you would be inspired and motivated to take better care of it. From there, you start with yourself not only our government who pay attention on it. Sources

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Three West African Kingdoms

To what extent did geography determine the location of the three West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai? Ghana, Mali and Songhai were the three largest Kingdoms to exist in the history of West Africa. They were located in West Africa during the 11th, 14th and 15th century. West Africa is the region in the western part of the African continent, it lies approximately 15 ° north of the equator. Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere.These three prominent western african kingdoms flourished due to strategically located trade routes, abundance of natural resources and diverse types of land. These three factors primarily determined the location of the kingdoms and sustained and supported their societies. The existing trade routes greatly influenced the location of where the empires were built and expanded upon. One of the most commonly used and oldest trade routes in the world is the Trans Sahara route which crosses the Sahara desert and leads to the West African coast.As a result to the location of this trade route all three empires were located south of the desert to be the first civilization traders would reach after their journey. Map A (Trade Routes in Western Africa at the time of the Mali Kingdom) shows the location of the kingdoms in relation to the different trade routes coming from and to western Africa. This gave the kingdoms the direct link to different cultures from Europe, Asia and India whom all frequented this path. As the kingdoms prolonged more routes were opened up, leading northeast across the Sahara for example.As well as this, the positioning of trade routes allowed the empires to stabilize a flourishing economy with little risk of failure. The kingdoms proximity to the routes gave the population exactly what they wanted from all over the world. Merchants coming from Europe, Asia and India brought a variety of goods to Africa, including ceramics, silk, spices, camels and slaves. These items co uld be traded for a range of natural resources the West African region was enriched with. Not only could items be traded, but the kingdoms were able to enforce taxes on all trades within the area.The Ghanaian King imposed taxes on all people passing through the kingdom; in return he provided soldiers who protected the trade routes from unwanted intruders. The king also created the system of silent barter. An issue faced by people who traded with Ghana was the language barrier. To eliminate the use of language in trade, silent barter was used to trade goods. The location of the kingdoms in relation to the trade routes, the use of taxation and the system of silent bartering made trade with West African Kingdoms safe and efficient, helping them become prime trading centers.The western African region was enriched with large quantities of different natural resources, which not only allowed trade and economic success but also helped prosper a sustainable civilization. As shown in Map B (M ineral Resources of W. Africa), the area occupied by the kingdoms was filled with natural resources such as gold and iron. Also shown on Map B, the areas to the north and south of the kingdoms were rich in common salt, iron, titanium, copper, diamonds and zinc.Even though the region of the kingdom might have not been the location with the largest quantities of resources, their territories were in the middle of the northern and southern trade in Africa, allowing them to be in control of all internal African trade. The access to valuable resources subsequently allowed the economy to depend largely on trade and due to its economic success earned the title â€Å"Gold Coast†. Not only were natural resources used for trade, however they were also used to advance machinery and tools in order to sustain and develop the empires.Metals such as iron and copper were used to create tools (Image of iron tools found in western Africa on right), weapons and to increase efficiency of work. Ir on smelting and manufacture was not only prominent in West Africa but also among the Nok culture of Nigeria and various other parts of the continent. The productions of iron tools let agriculture, hunting and warfare progress and improve, and soon became a fundamental part of life. In conclusion, the diversity of natural resources found in the area helped flourish the economy and extend the technology and knowledge of the population in the kingdoms.The West African regions was not only a center of trade and home to many natural resources but also possessed a number of different types of land which were successfully used to increase agriculture and make a self-dependent society. As indicated on Map C (Land use in West Africa), this region had a combination of permanent crops, arable, grazing and forest land. Native plants such as pearl millet, sorghum and cowpeas were grown in large quantities to feed the majority of the population. This permitted the population to adapt to farming a nd agriculture using the land for different crops.In addition, West Africa is also coastal region bordering the Atlantic Ocean as shown on Map D. This gave the advantage of having fertile soil near the coast all year round. The European influence and steady trade greatly encouraged farming and consequently led the region to become extremely agriculturally productive as merchants would be looking for places to stock up on food and supplies whilst passing through the trade routes. Alongside this, the introduction of iron farming tools enhanced the production of crops immensely.This contributed to the many ways of how the African kingdoms became successful and self-sufficient civilization. After close examination, it can be concluded that a efficiently managed system of trade routes (including taxation and silent barter), diverse use of the different types of land (including arable, grazing and forest land) and an abundance of natural resources which were used to the kingdoms’ a dvantages, Ghana, Mali and Songhai were able to sustain themselves by using the geographic factors available. Word count: 1,044

Saturday, January 11, 2020

XYZ Construction Case Study

The organization was transformed when improved performance was achieved through the leadership from the new Managing Director. The operation, culture and structure of the organization were transformed to achieve the goals of the new Managing Director. The construction industry within which EX. Construction operates in, is highly competitive, aggressive and at times, hostile. Conflict between contractors and subcontractors occurs frequently, often requiring litigation to resolve the disputes. The hostile environment was mirrored by the relationships within the organization under the former Managing Director.There are four sections in the report; the first section will address the extent to which EX. Construction adopted the culture-excellence approach during their transformation process. This is following by the evaluation of the resistance experienced during the transformation and the use of a new management style by the incoming Managing Director. The last section presents examples of transformation in a South African context. 1 Extent to which EX. adopted the Culture – Excellence approach The approach to change management is identifying and managing processes developed to make organizations more competitive and improve performance.Change Management processes are focused on internal processes within an organization, and they provide solutions to assist management achieve their commitment to change and improve productivity with the least resistance (Strop, 2005). There are many approaches to change management developed however the report will utilize the three approaches described by Burners, 2009. 1. 1 The three change approaches There are three approaches that have dominated the Western managerial thinking since the asses namely; the Culture – Excellence approach, the JapaneseManagement approach and the Organizational Learning approach (Burners, 2009, p. 99). The approaches are briefly described below: Culture – Excellence Approach There is a vast amount of literature presented on this approach however; the key contributors to the culture-excellence approach are Peters and Waterman, Canter and Handy. The crucial components from each contributor are briefly highlighted. Peters and Waterman They developed eight significant attributes that organizations need to demonstrate if they are to achieve excellence, namely (Burners, 2009, p. 102): A bias for action Closeness to the customerAutonomy and entrepreneurship Productivity through people Hands-on, value driven Stick to the knitting Simple form, lean staff Simultaneous loose-tight approach Canter Rosetta Moss Canter developed the post-entrepreneurial model, which highlights how organizations in future, should operate. Her model describes three strategies that post-entrepreneurial organizations must pursue: Restructuring to find synergies Opening boundaries to form strategic alliance Creating ventures from within: encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship Handy Handy i s a British theorist who contributed to the emergence of new organizational arms.Handy identified three generic types of organizations. He argued the following organizational forms will dominate in future: Shamrock Federal Triple I (Intelligence, Information and Ideas = Added Value) Japanese Management Approach The Japanese management approach was captured by Ouch', McKenna, Pang and Oliver and many other contributors. The contributions made by the above theorists are briefly described below. Couch William Couch believes that organizational success stems from the following (burns, IPPP): The involvement and commitment of the entire workforce.A set of internally consistent norms, practices and behaviors based on trust and strong personal ties between the individual and the organization, particularly their immediate work group. Practices such as lifetime employment, slow evaluation and promotion and collective decision-making. The belief that workers want to build cooperative and clos e working relationships. 5 McKenna McKenna believes that the central elements to organizational success are (Burners, 2009, p. 135): Lifetime employment, The seniority principle with regard to pay and promotion, Enterprise unionism Pang and OliverPang and Oliver agreed with McKenna however believe that the additional elements to organizational success are (Burners, 2009, p. 135) : Training and education. Company-based welfare schemes. Quality Circles. Manufacturing methods such as Just-in-Time production. Organizational Learning Approach Organizational learning â€Å"describes attempts by organizations to become learning organizations by promoting learning in a conscious, systematic and synergistic fashion that involves everyone in the organization† (Burners, 2009, p. 146).Sense developed 5 interrelated disciplines that organizations require to encourage and template learning and success. The 5 disciplines are listed below (Burners, 2009, p. 148): Personal mastery – in dividual growth and learning. Mental models – deeply ingrained assumptions that affect the way individuals think about people, situations and organizations. Shared visions – the development of a common view of the organization's future. Team learning – the shift from individual learning to collective learning. Systems thinking – the ‘Fifth Discipline' that links the others together and which, he argues is missing in most organizations. Cummins and Worldly in 2001, identified three levels of learning, designed to assist organization to move from an adaptive to transformation learning level. The identified three levels are listed below (Burners, 2009, p. 149): Level I Level II – Single loop learning – Double loop learning Level Ill – Triple loop learning 1. 2 Adoption of the Culture – Excellence Approach The following section evaluates the extent to which EX. Construction has adopted the culture-excellence approach in its o rganizational transformation process.The impact of each initiative has been discussed separately as these are significant events within the process. Customer care programmer The new Managing Director identified an opportunity to improve the organization's performance by improving services delivered to customers. The construction industry is hostile and aggressive, however through a customer case programmer, the Managing Director believed that positive relationships can be built which would benefit both the organization and customers.Based on the attributes developed by Peters and Waterman listed above, the organization's customer care programmer will allow them to be closer to the customer. The programmer was initiated with a few key managers and a few key customers. The programmer is a critical part of the transformation of EX. Construction's culture and the way they do business. The programmer meant that the initiating key managers had to develop and display skills of effective co mmunication and build relationships with key customers.The initiative develops managers by ensuring they adopt a more hands-on approach in the organization, share experiences and pass on knowledge and information. The customer case programmer is a clear indication of how EX. Construction has adopted the culture-excellence approach in its organization. Awaken Initiative The Japanese developed a business philosophy, awaken, which translates to change for the better (Investigated, 2014). This business philosophy focuses on the continuous approach involving all employees of the organization.This initiative is based on all three of the approaches and it clearly originates from Japanese management approach. This approach and the implementation of the small-scale awaken initiative at EX. Construction will enable organization learning to take place along with a culture change of employees and managers working together. The new Managing Director communicated his commitment to the initiative, Hereford all employees are collectively working together to ensure the success of the initiative..The culture change brought about by the initiative, develops managers' confidence to delegate work without feeling threatened by subordinates. This leads to staff being empowered by a higher sense of responsibility while developing skills. Partner initiatives in the Industry The previously hostile construction environment is changing to the extent that contractors and subcontractors are attempting to build relationships and partnerships rather resolve disputes through litigation. The new Managing Director however, identified a shortcoming in the organization that required attention in order to build successful external relationships.Hiss view was that relationships that needed to be built externally could not be achieved if internal relationships and communication skills were not developed. Internal relationships are required to ensure that managers and employees are striving to achiev e the same goals with similar techniques. Successful relationships and strategic alliances with contractors and sub-contractors will result in increased organizational performance. This approach encourages new ventures from within the organization through an innovative working environment.By collectively working together, new ideas and ways of improving the organization can be developed. 8 General From the above three initiatives taken by the new Managing Director, it is evident that the culture-excellence approach has been significant in the transformation of EX. Construction. The transformation includes aspects from the Japanese and Organizational Learning approaches. The new Managing Director puts a lot of emphasis on the empowerment of employees, developing new skills and training. In addition to the above, he also utilizes part of the Japanese Management's Awaken approach I. E. Mailer incremental improvements that are made continuously. This is evidenced through the implementat ion of each initiative at intervals rather than all at once. The transformation of a large organization, such as EX. Construction, is a long- term project as organizational culture and operational changes often take time to change. Another example of how the new Managing Director adopted the culture-excellence approach is through the use of a simultaneous loose-tight attitude. This is where the manager allowed a â€Å"loose† working environment, however the need to achieve the performance clear was clear.This approach allowed for positive culture and behavioral changes to take place without losing focus of the organization's objectives. Based on the above evidence, the transformation of EX. Construction clearly adopted aspects of the culture-excellence approach to effectively achieve its objectives. 9 2 Reasoning for little opposition/resistance from staff The appointment of a new managing director who has a different leadership style ill almost always bring about change with in an organization. Organizational change is not always easily accepted; some reasons for resistance to change are listed below (Yuk, 2013, up. 192): Change is not necessary Change is not feasible Change is not cost effective Change would cause personal losses Change is inconsistent with values Leaders are not trusted Resistance to organizational change is a natural reaction to those who want to protect their self-interests in the organization. However, it is clear from the case study that the employees of EX. Construction showed little resistance to the change implemented by the incoming managing director. The primary reason that change was welcomed was due to the former Managing Director's management style which was not widely accepted in the organization.Employees feared him and it was not acceptable to speak openly and honestly. Employees were aware that this behavior was often counterproductive, and created a negative impression with the former Managing Director. As the newly a ppointed Managing Director had previously worked at the organization, he was aware of certain of the issues and concerns of the employees. The experience gained from irking at other companies, and the reputation he built from his career prior to returning to EX. Construction ensured that the employees had faith in his leadership ability.The new Managing Director's first step in developing relationships with managers and employees was to incorporate key employees into Senior Management Team activities. His actions made it clear that he was willing to retain the current workforce and promote from within the organization. This created a positive environment which encouraged employees to work harder and produce results Employees and managers id not fear loss of employment with the new Managing Director, but rather felt included in the decision making process.The new Managing Director's attitude and actions were clear and concise which addressed the problems within the organization. His actions were collectively moving in the same direction, to achieve a clear goal of improving internal and external relations and improving the organizations performance. He correctly identified problem areas such as relationships, communication and the structure of the organization. An incorrect diagnosis of the problems within an organization may exult in incorrect changes being implemented, which can lead the organization into complete disarray.The new Managing Director identified two crucial activities to be performed in conjunction with each other to enable the transformation of the organization. The two activities identified were: To introduce new practices and techniques to improve service to customers and thus improve the organization's performance. To change the attitudes and behavior of employees By identifying the two activities above, the new Managing Director identified crucial steps to improve its performance. Only through improving services to customers can the overall organization's performance improve.A satisfied customer is likely to return and recommend the organization to others. This is directly linked to the growth of the organization. The new Managing Director is aware that to provide better service to customers, the employees will have to develop and learn new practices and techniques to ensure superior service quality is provided to customers. The implementation of the second activity is critical to the success of the overall goal of improved customer relationships. The employees and managers attitudes and behaviors are to be transformed to ensure the best results are achieved.Employees and managers who were unhappy under the former Managing Director are more willing to adhere to the recommended changes. The willingness to adhere also stems from the approaches presented being feasible and there is no fear for loss of employment. The changes bring new opportunities for employees and managers to develop in their current roles and possibly grow into new roles. The potential positive outcomes as a result of these changes are a contributing factor in the lack of resistance experienced by the Managing Director.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Reality Tv Shows - 855 Words

Based on these criteria qualified industries were call centres and reality TV shows. In deciding between these alternatives, I interviewed a few stakeholders within the call centre and media industries. The feedback was that there is minimal use of video interviewing within these industries, which suggests a blue ocean opportunity. In addition, we had a conversation with the CEO of Kira Talent. We discovered that Kira Talent had pitched to companies with huge call centre operations previously, but gained minimal traction. This was attributed to insufficient appreciation for the presentation skills of the candidates in the current recruitment process. We recommend that, Kira Talent should enter into the audition of reality TV shows, because the applicant pool is quite large and for every season, new set of candidates are interviewed. Further, this industry values camera-facing skills to improve the ratings of the show. We believe that the company will gain traction faster in the US be cause of larger market and more awareness. 7.3 Overview- Reality TV industry By definition, reality TV is essentially unscripted programming that does not employ actors but focuses on footage of real events or situations. Reality TV has been dominating the TV industry since the late 90s and has increased to 57% of all television shows. US and Canada account for 930 reality TV shows. Some shows such as American Idol and Americas Next Top Model run on a recurring season format and grow inShow MoreRelated Ethics in Reality TV Shows Essay2406 Words   |  10 PagesEthics in Reality TV Shows â€Å"A man is standing on a swing, holding both metal lines that support it. Tied in chains around his waist and on each leg, he holds the 3 keys that are strapped to his wrist. 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